ScopTEL DHCP Server

ScopTEL -DHCP Server Configuration

Console - ifconfig

A newly installed server uses DHCP to get an IP address from a DHCP server on the network so make sure the public network interface is connected to the network so the server can get an IP address.
Before you can login to the server you must know the IP address of at least one physical interface.
From the Linux console login prompt, enter username ‘root’ omitting any quotation marks.
From the password prompt enter the default root password ‘scopserv’ omitting any quotation marks.
Once you are successfully logged as root type the command ‘ifconfig’ to determine at least one eth interface .
In this example the eth0 IP address is Also notice that the HWaddr is the MAC address of the eth0 interface.

Console – nmtui

If there is no DHCP server on the network the server will not get an IP address.
Using the command ‘nmtui’ omitting any quotes an IP address can be set statically and then used to login to the GUI.

Use the tab key on the keyboard to select Edit a connection

Use the tab key on the keyboard to select the desired interface and press Enter

Use the tab key and keyboard arrows on the keyboard to select elements.
The Default is Automatic (DHCP)
To edit this connection Tab to <Automatic> and press Enter
Tab to Manual and press Enter

Keep using the keyboard to enter any static configurations, then tab or use arrows to select OK and press Enter
After pressing Enter use the <Back> button to exit nmtui

Console – service network restart

From the root prompt type ‘service network restart’ omitting any quotes to restart the network with the new static IP address.

Network Module – Web GUI Login

Once logged into the GUI the eth1 interface must be configured in order to enable routing.
The ifconfig command displays the MAC address of eth1 which is needed to add another network interface to the system.
The eth1 MAC address in this example is 00:E0:81:D8:5D:BD.

Server Module – Network LAN Configuration

Set the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the local system.
Set the network configuration as static.
Set the DNS server information for the local system 
NOTE:  The system is a fully capable DNS server and can resolve DNS for the network but a third party DNS server can also be used.

Network Configuration – Network Interfaces

From the Configuration>Network>Interfaces tree edit your LAN interface.

Network Configuration – LAN Interface

In this example the eth0 configuration is 1000.scopserv.local and the eth0 LAN interface is
Edit the eth interface and substitute the IP address and subnet mask and MAC address for your network requirements.
When finished click on Save.

Network Configuration – Hostname

In this example the hostname configuration is 1000.scopserv.local
Edit the default Hostname and when finished click on Save.

Network Configuration – DHCP Subnet Configuration
Edit the default DHCP Server configuration.

Enable the DHCP Server.
Check Dynamically update the DNS Server? [x].
Choose the Domain DNS Zone scopserv.local from the dropdown list.
Click Save when done.

Click on the Subnet tab.
Click on Add to add a new subnet

Select Interface LAN from the dropdown list.
Using the DHCP table enter the Start and End IP address and Gateway information for the local server.
When done click on the DNS Configuration tab.

Enter scopserv.local into the Domain Name field.
Using the DHCP table enter the LAN address of the local server.
When done click on the DHCP Options tab.

Using the DHCP table enter the FQDN of the local server into the TFTP Server Name and Time Server (NTP) fields.
Enter -18000 (GMT-5) into the Time Offset (in seconds) field to configure the DHCP clients into time zone EST (or applicable time zone).
When done click on Add.

Network Configuration – General Services Startup
From the tab General>Bootup Services click on Edit and put a checkbox next to Network, DHCP Server.
Apply Change when done.

Network Configuration – Network Commit
Click on Commit to write all of the changes.


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