ScopTEL Paging Features
ScopTEL supports multicast paging with supported SIP devices. Multicast paging is extremely efficient and
puts minimal stress on the host CPU. The Local Area Network determines the number of devices in a Multicast Paging Group therefore multicast paging is very scalable.
Most Yealink, Snom, Aastra, Algo, Panasonic, Linksys, Vtech, and
Cyberdata devices support open standard multicast paging and multiple multicast
listen addresses.
Polycom, SpectraLink, and Algo devices only support Polycom proprietary
multicast paging since firmware version 3.X
Algo and Cyberdata SIP paging devices support Multicast Relay
forwarding and register as SIP extensions.
These paging devices also supply 600 ohm external paging connections for
external paging amplifiers and loud bell extensions.
Because Polycom and SpectraLink do not use interoperable
multicast paging protocols it is not recommended to mix Polycom and SpectraLink devices with other devices types on the
same LAN. If multicast paging will be deployed consolidate your vendors for each customer location.
ScopTEL also supports scheduled paging tasks to automate lockdown
procedures or other implementations.
Pre-recorded announcements can be scheduled for playback using
scheduled automated tasks or played back by dialing a feature code.
ScopTEL supports paging using Meet-me in Asterisk but this method
is not scalable. It is suitable for
usage only in very small environments where either the SIP phone or network does not
support multicasting.
The recommendation is not to configure more than 5 concurrent
extensions when using Meet-me paging and use multicast paging whenever possible.
ScopTEL supports 1 to 1 two way hands-free paging which is
referred to as Intercom. In this mode
both parties can communicate directly with each other.
For more information regarding multicasting please visit
The number of extensions which can subscribe and receive pages
from the multicast group is only limited by network performance.
Phone can subscribe to any valid multicast address and port and
thereby create multiple paging zones.
Multicast paging uses minimal CPU resources on the ScopTEL CPU
Hosted customers require some SIP device which can forward
multicast pages onto the customer LAN since multicasts are not normally
forwarded across VLAN’s or routers. One
such device which is very flexible is available from Algo Solutions.
The Algo 8180 SIP Alerter can forward the multicast page to any
SIP device which supports industry standard multicast paging, or Polycom,
SpectraLink proprietary paging.
Preparing ScopTEL to support Multicasting
Go to the Network IP Routing tab and build this route for multicasting
paging support.
Commit your changes on the network module when done
Preparing a Yealink Phone using the APS
Edit the Multicast Paging tab and set at least one Multicast Page
Group with a Listen IP/Address. Make
sure all MAC addresses use the same Listen IP/Address or use a template to
assign the Multicast Paging Groups to all your phones
Save your changes and commit and reboot all the phones to download
the new settings
Other vendors use similar settings and tabs so edit as necessary.

Preparing a Yealink Phone for SIP-Alert
Edit the Yealink Extension|Phone Options tab
SIP Alert (Auto Answer/Distinctive Ring)
Device : Yealink
Check the option for Pager and Intercom
Save your changes
This will prepare the Yealink phone to receive ‘Intercom’ two way
hands-free calls
Intercom Usage:
Go to the Features Code section and define a feature code for the
Intercom feature
Edit your Class of Service and ensure that Intercom is allowed in
the Service list
Dial the Intercom code and the target extension number to activate
two way hands-free Intercom
Creating a Multicast Paging Application
Go to Applications and create a new
Assign an extension number to this
application which does not conflict with any other extensions on the server.
Click on Destination when done
In the Destination drop list choose
Paging and Intercom and then click on the Paging and Intercom tab
can check the Allow Extensions to use this application as destination if you
want Ring Groups to access this feature.
This can be useful if you want the application to be available in an IVR
menu for direct dialing.
Use the Select button to add your
Paging Members.
Choose Multicast RTP in the From
list drop down menu
Enter a multicast address and port
which matches what you define in the APS and click Add
Click OK and finish adding your
Once you have added the Application
make sure you Edit your Class of Service permissions so your extensions can
dial the new Application code.
Creating a Meetme
Paging Application
If you don’t want to use multicast
paging there is the option to use Meetme paging. To configure this instead of choosing
Multicast RTP in the Select context choose one or more SIP extensions to
include in the paging zone. Keep this
list small, less than 5 extensions. Meetme paging uses a lot of CPU on the
host server and the signalling is best effort. Meetme Paging is available as a native feature in Asterisk but definitely not recommended. Meetme Paging will not work unless dahdi is compiled properly on the active Kernel. To test dahdi you can execute these commands (omitting quotes):
[root@master88 ~]# timertest
Opened timer...
Set timer duration to 8000 samples (1000 ms)
Timer Expired (1000 ms)!
Timer Expired (2000 ms)!
'dkms status'
[root@master88 ~]# dkms status
dahdi, 2.11.1-11.el7.scopserv, 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64, x86_64: installed
wanpipe, 7.0.26-1.el7.scopserv, 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64, x86_64: installed
If either of these tests fail you will have to repair dahdi/wanpipe:
Creating a Paging application to a Auto Answer Paging Peripheral
Another option is to have a
multicast forwarding device or SIP device with a 600 ohm paging output selected
ie. Algo or Cyberdata.
This is the recommended solution for sending a pre-recorded
announcement/scheduled task objects to an overhead Paging Amplifier. In this scenario create a SIP extension for the device, manually provision your paging device and set its extension number in the Select Dialog.