Certificate Pre-Requisites
Self Signed Certificates are
generally not supported by phone Manufacturer’s therefore it is recommended you
check with your phone hardware vendor to see which Certificate Authorities are
You will first have to use the
ScopTEL Certificate Manager to create your own Certificate Signing Request in
order to purchase a Signed Certificate from a supported Certificate Authority
Most Certificate Authorities
will provide you with a Root Certificate and a Chained Certificate (Chained
Certificates are not mandatory but are very commonplace).
Once you have the Root CA,
Certificate Chain, and a Signed Certificate from a supported Certificate
Authority you can use the ScopTEL Certificate Manager to create Certificates
for the following purposes:
Encrypting GUI communications using SSL (HTTPS)
Encrypting Phone Provisioning files during phone download using
Encrypting SIP signalling with SSL (TLS)
Encrypting SIP audio streams with SSL (SRTP)
Creating the CSR – Certificate Manager
Click on Add a New CSR
Fill in all the required fields
If you are purchasing a
Wildcard Certificate put a *. In from of your domain name in the Common Name
Example: *.yourdomain.com
When done click on the Key
Settings Tab
Key Settings
Select a Digest Algorithm
supported by your IP phone’s manufacturer
It is recommended to choose a
Key Size of at least 2048 bits
Passphrase is not required
Add when done
Download your CSR

Copy and Paste your Certificate
Request to your Certificate Authority when you your purchase your CA for Domain
Wait for your CA to send you
your Certificate before generating your
You will copy and paste the
Private Key Data into your Server Authentication Certificate in a later step
Import a Certificate (Root CA)
Copy and Paste your CA’s Root
CA into the text box and click Add

Give your Certificate a name
Select Import Certificate &
Key = Signed Certificate
Then click on the Certificate
& Key tab
Copy and Paste your CA’s Signed
Certificate data into the Signed Certificate text box
Copy and Paste your CSR’s
Private Key data into the Private Key text box
Click Add when done

Certificate Chain
Certificate Type = Intermediate
and Chain Certificate
Certificate Name: Enter a name
in the text field
Click on the Certificate tab
Copy and Paste the Certificate
Chain data you received from your CA when they issued your Certificate
Click Add when done
Configuring the Server to Enable SSL (GUI)
Go to Server|Configuration
and click on the Security (SSL) Tab
Enable SSL (GUI)?
For the Private Key select your
For the Certificate select the
same Certificate
Highlight the Certificate Chain
you created earlier
Click Save
The Web server will restart
once you click save and you will have to login to your server replacing http://yourserver.com:5555/ with https://yourserver.com:5555/
Configuring the Server to use HTTPS Provisioning for your IP Phones
Go to Server|Configuration
and click on the Provisioning Tab
From the HTTPS Provisioning
Menu change the HTTP Protocol to HTTPS
Enter the LAN or WAN address
specific to your server in each field (the screen shot only displays examples)
Click Save
The Web server will restart
Configuring Telephony – Channels - SIP Channel
Enable support for SIP TLS
Select your Certificate
Highlight your Certificate
Click Save
Commit your Telephony changes
Restart the Telephony Server using the Telephony Services menu

Set the Method to support your certs
You can query supported methods with this command:
openssl s_client -connect <hostname/IP>:5061 -showcerts
Default Method is automatic but some certs may require manual configuration of method if they do not support tlsv1_2
In that scenario select TLS v1.2
Save, commit, restart asterisk when done.
Configure the Firewall to allow 5060/udp 5060-5061/tcp 4569/udp 10000-20000/udp
After editing this rule use the Network Service Manager to restart the Firewall
Configuring Telephony – Extension – Phone Options
Edit an extension’s Phone
Options so that it will use Transport Mode TLS and Enable SRTP encryption
AES 80
Save and Commit your changes

In this example we are
configuring a template and only the
options needed to secure communications on the phone.
Configure the Provisioning tab
to use HTTPS by putting https in the provisioning URL and by selecting the certificates you created earlier.
Then click on the Options tab when done

Edit the path for the
Certificate URL to include https and select the Certificates you created
Then click on the Servers tab when done

Change both the Registrar Port and Proxy Port to 5061
You must enter both the
Registrar and SIP Proxy IP. If you are using IP/DNS mapping use the the dummy address.
Then click on the PBX Services
tab when done

Change the GUI Protocol
selection to HTTPS
In the GUI Server (hostname or
IP) field enter the required IP address or Fully Qualified Host Name of the
Click Add when done

Adding or Editing a Snom MAC address
Choose the desired Tenant
Choose the Desired Phone Model
Choose the desired Template
Enter the Phone's MAC address
Click on the Lines tab when done
Click on the Lines tab
Assign an extension to Line 1
(other lines are optional)
Enable Secure RTP (SRTP) must
be checked
Only Accept SRTP (secure) calls
must be checked
Enable TLS transport must be
Save your changes
Commit APS changes
Reboot the phone so it
downloads its new configuration files after committing your changes.
In this example we are
configuring a template and only the
options needed to secure communications on the phone.
Configure the Provisioning tab
to use HTTPS by putting https in the provisioning URL and by selecting the certificates you created earlier.
Then click on the Lines tab
Enable SRTP (secure) calls?
Then click on the Servers tab

Change the SIP Transport to TLS
Change the SIP Proxy Port to
Click on the PBX Services Tab when done
PBX Services
Change the GUI Protocol to use
And edit the GUI Server
(Hostname or IP) to match your required configuration.
Click Add when done
Provision MAC addresses for
your Polycom phones and apply the template to each required phone
Commit Telephony changes
Commit APS changes
Reboot the phone so it can
download its required configuration files

Edit the MAC address object of your Polycom phone
Select the desired Tenant
Choose the correct Phone Model
from the list
Choose the Phone Template you
configured with HTTPS parameters
Click on the Lines tab and
assign an extension
Save your settings
Commit Telephony changes
Commit APS changes
Reboot the phone to download
the configuration files

In this example we are
configuring a template and only the
options needed to secure communications on the phone.
Configure the Provisioning tab
to use HTTPS by putting https in the provisioning and Firmware URL and by
selecting the certificates you created
Then click on the Server tab
Enter the IP address or IP/DNS Mapping address
Change the Registrar Port to
Then click on the PBX Services

PBX Services
Change the GUI Protocol to use
And edit the GUI Server
(Hostname or IP) to match your required configuration.
Add or Edit the MAC address object of your Yealink phone
Select the desired Tenant
Choose the correct Phone Model
from the list
Choose the Phone Template you
configured with HTTPS parameters
Click on the Lines tab and
assign an extension
Choose Transport: TLS
Enable Voice Encryption (SRTP)
Save your settings

Applying Changes to Extensions and mac.cfg files
Commit Telephony changes
Commit APS changes
Reboot the phone to download the configuration files. You can use Tools|Telephony|Mass Phone Reboot
If you want to force a sync of a registered Polycom phone you can do so manually in the Asterisk CLI with this command:
sip notify polycom-check-cfg <ip address of peer>
Verifying Operation
In the Asterisk CLI
sip*CLI> sip show tcp
Transport Type TLS
Client TLS Server TLS Server TLS Server
Transport TLS confirms that the
peer is configured to use TLS.