Product Bulletin: PHP7+ Systems. When selecting Destination = Play a Message(s)|Custom path is not correct.

Product Bulletin: PHP7+ Systems. When selecting Destination = Play a Message(s)|Custom path is not correct.

PHP7+ Systems. When selecting Destination = Play a Message(s)|Custom path is not correct.

By example:

After the custom prompt destination is selected, then edited and saved. The necessary path is incorrect. The \ is missing from the saved path.

When the dial plan is executed to playback the prompt, Asterisk CLI prints the following WARNING:

[2022-11-30 10:59:05] WARNING[10959][C-00000009]: app_playback.c:464 playback_exec: Playback requires an argument (filename)
And you will not hear any prompt playback and the Incoming Call will hangup.

Root Cause

Magic Quotes have been removed from PHP7+

For additional details see:

Fix and Minimum Package Requirements

If your system was installed using the PHP7+ scopserv-7.3.x86_64.iso available from prior to November 30th 2022 then you must upgrade the scopserv-framework package to minimum version scopserv-framework- and follow the instructions below.

As of the release of this product bulletin a new PHP7+ ISO has been released that is not effected by the "Magic Quotes" issue. This ISO has been built with the scopserv-framework- package included as of November 30th, 2022

How to know if your system is affected by this issue.

Print your version info using ssh:

rpm -qa scopserv-framework
This printout means the system is affected because the scopserv-framework does not meet the minimum package requirement and the system is PHP7+ based

If you are effected by the "Magic Quotes" issue.

Then you will have to:
1. Update the scopserv-framework package using the Package Manager or scopserv_yum update command.
2. Edit each destination that sets the Play a Message(s)|Custom path and reselect the destination to rebuild the path. You must also delete the old path.


3. Save all your changes and Commit your changes.