The problem looks something like this:
# scopserv_yum update
==== scopserv_yum ====
— Executing yum…
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Update Process
Determining fastest mirrors
YumRepo Error: All mirror URLs are not using ftp, http[s] or file.
Eg. Invalid release/repo/arch combination/
removing mirrorlist with no valid mirrors: /var/cache/yum/base/mirrorlist.txt
Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base
— Done
You can enable the CentOS6 Vault with the following command.
rpm -Uvh
But this is not a long term solution and ScopServ recommends you
upgrade to CentOS 7 at least until CentOS 8 Stream is supported.
The upgrade process is to backup your existing configuration, install
a clean copy of CentOS 7 with our official CentOS 7 ISO and then
restore your configuration.
Follow this documentation to Backup your server:
The WinSCP method is the preferred method.